UPDATED ON 02/15/2025
CPDs $4
Red Shimp 2
Variety Shrimp 2
NEW Female Crowntail Bettas variety of colors 5
Garra Rufa 5
White Clouds Gold 2.25
Pearl Danio 2
Albino Pleco 10
Gold Barb peaceful 2.25
Neon Tetra 2.25
Serpae Tetras 2.25
SAE 2.25
Black Neon Tetras 2.25
Ember Tetra 2.25
Red Eye Tetra 2.25
Buenos Aires Tetra 2,25
Columbian Red & Blue 2.25
Male Bettas 5
Platys 1.50
Columbian Snails 3
Mystery Snails 2-3
Large Hermit Crabs $6
●Reptiles\Amphibians this week……
Blue Iguanas 100
Adult bearded Dragons 50
Sugar Super Blizzard Leucistic 15
Super Snow Leopard 15
Snow Leopard 15
Pixie Frog 25
Albino Iguana 350
Oustatlets Giant Chameleon 70
Giant Spiny Chameleon 70
Giant Spiny Chameleon Green 125
Chubby Frog 15
Crested Gecko Pair 100
Dune small Scorpion 10
Asian Small Scorpion 9
Mexican Rose Gey 25
●Ball Pythons: this is a small list of what is instock, we have a large variety to choose from instock
Highway 350
Ivory Highway 200
Lesser Banana 150
Mojave 75
Yellowbelly 65
1.0 Killer Clown Adult 250
Pastel 75
Banana Pied sub adult 250
Pastel Leopard 100
Super Pastel 140
Adult Male Banana 200
1.0 Pastel Clown Adult 175.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Leopard Firefly 100.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon Pinstripe 150.
0.1 Pastel Pinstripe 125.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon 150
0.1 Lesser Pastel 100.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Yellowbelly Pinstripe 150
0.1 Pastel 75.
1.0 Pastel Sub Adult 100
0.1 Yellowbelly Het Clown 75
1.0 Super Pastel 125
0.1 Enchi 75.
1.0 100% Het Pied 40. Or 》》》Free to teachers
0.1 100% Het Pied 40
Adult het pied male 50. Or 》》》FREE to Teachers
Teachers Contact Us for your classroom 《《《《
……………Corn & King Snakes ………..
Goins Blaze Blotched Kingsnake 60
Albino Brooks Kingsnake 60
Albino Milk Snake 45
Milk Snake Pueblan 45
Milk Snake Nelson 45
Albino Corn Snake 35.
Motley Corn Snake 65
Hypomelanistic Striped California King 60
Aztec/Zig Zag Corn 75.
Tessera Kasatine 65
Classic Corn Snake 35
Pink Flamingo Potted $8
Telanthera Rosanervig Bunch $5
Chilense $2
Ludwiga Super Red Bunch $5
Rotala Nanjenshan Bunch $5
Hornwort Bunch $6
Loydellia Bunch $5
Staurogyne Repens TC $8
Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss TC $8
Wisteria Potted $6
Narrow-Leaf Micro Sword potted $6
Amazon Sword Med. $4
Marble Queen Sword $6
Red Flame Swords $6
Pogostemon Dassen Bunch $5
Broadleaf Ludwiga Bunch $5
Dwarf Subulata Bunch $3
Subulata Bunch $4
Lg Barteri 10-12
Large Frazeri Anubias $12
Pontederiifoli Crypt Med. $3
Jungle Val $1.50
CorkScrew Val $1.50
Bronze Wendtii
Red Wendtii
Green Wendtii
Red Flame Sword
Narrow-Leaf Micro Sword
Giant Hairgrass
Dwarf Sag Potted
Ludwigia Atlantis Bunch $5
Ludwigia Super Red Bunch $5
Rotala Nanjenshan $5
Pogostemon Dassen $5
Broadleaf Ludwiga $5
Loydelli Bunch $5
Lg, Swiss Cheese Plant $20
4″ Potted Swiss Cheese $12
Philo Monstera med. $20
Small Potted Variety $4
Lithops $8
Xanthosoma Sm. $7
Diffenbachia Med. $8
Curly Spider $7
Pothos $7
Staghorn Ferns $8